Saturday, March 3, 2012

Asking Questions

Dearest ML,

Yesterday I had a great dinner catch up with my friend E. We are ex-colleagues, and I haven't met her for 6 months after my resignation. It is funny it turned out I am... 10+ years older than her, feel like REALLY old now :0)

Anyway, she shared with me with her problems at work and in relationship & her friend's problems. Her friend (someone I do not know) spent a night with her current colleague after being "drunk" (no sex) and felt terrible as she has a stable loving boyfriend. So E was supposed to be there for her to comfort her etc...

Then I realized when we were young, we just do not know how we feel. All we can say is "I am confused, I do not know what to do".  But if we keep asking questions, this will actually help in clearing out the thoughts.

Some questions I suggested E to ask her friend is -

- For her boyfriend: why did she feel this bad? what is her plan - be with him or dump him or ?
- For her colleague: why she did it - because she want something adventurous or she also likes him? what is her next plan?


The fact is everything can be broken down into questions, and it is important to take time to ask ourselves questions, and reflect.

Coincidentally my favorite blogger Tom Basson posted a similar post but on daily life (look at him, he is just SO hot). He wrote everyday he asked himself below questions -

  • How did the day go? What success did I experience? What challenges?
  • What did I learn today? About myself? About others? What do I plan to do differently, or the same, tomorrow?
  • Who did I interact with? Anyone I need to update? Thank? Apologize? Ask a question? Share feedback?
I totally agree with him, it is important that we take time to ask questions, reflect ourselves in order to clarify thoughts, learn and grow.

Ultimately everyday is a growing process.

Thank you Tom, and luv ya :)

E, I want to emphasize this again: when I was at your age, I was just like you, or even dumber (not a potato but sweet potato LOL). So do not be shy, learn and grow everyday :)

k  xoxo

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