Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Love vs Hate

Dearest ML,

Thanks for your earlier comments on the post!

So happened my favourite columnist Black so Black wrote a similar topic today:

There was a girl, been together with the boy for a few years. But their relationship has always been ups and downs. He met a new party and would like to break up. She did not want to break up, and it began with all these struggles that made her tired and sick (minor ones like coughing and flu).

Like you said, we all fall in love with players some times. It is heart breaking to admit this. But so what? Apparently the girl did not want to let go of the boy, keep asking to get back together, I can change etc... but it was her mental states that she could not let go - the mentality to accept that she was being dumped and deceived by a jerk / player.

Hong Kong got the CE Election. One hopeful had an affair and his wife said "I am glad he knows his way back home". This is so wrong.

Love is blind, but sometimes someone just does not deserve our love.

Like what Black so Black said, release our anger, and get back to equilibrium.

k  xoxo

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