Wednesday, December 14, 2011

One year

Dearest ML,

Last night I was dropping a Facebook message to my Italian girlfriend to wish her bon voyage back home, then I realized it has been nearly 1 year since my trip to Italy, and then I realized one year ago I was dumped by B right before the Italy trip.

When you forgot about the time, it is an indication of healing.

When you move on with life and getting busy and gradually stop thinking about him / dwelling with why things happen, it is an indication of healing.

When you stop having any feeling in him, it is a GOOD indication of healing.  

When you feel like you are a happier person than before, it is an indication of healing.

Be thankful on what we have. Be thankful we are still alive and healthy. Be thankful we have a choice to lead a happy and fulfilling life.

k   xoxo

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