Friday, November 11, 2011

The Art of Dating Part Two - Be presentable

Dear ML,

I hope you did well with your study and exams (when it ends? It seems never ending)

I wrote about the art of dating some time ago, it is about time to go to part two - be presentable. Easy to say, hard to implement! How I see this is

1. Be presentable in appearance

It doesn't mean one needs to look like a model but at least clean and neat and presentable! There are actually a lot of minor things one can do (I am not exactly referring to plastic surgery!) but say basic makeup like eyeliner, mascara, blush and lip gloss can make one person look much better.

Trimming of hair cut and eye brows are prominent, same as the teeth - I cannot believe how many people do not take good care of their teeth! Go find a good dentist and visit him / her regularly. It is a big asset to have clean white teeth.  Make sure you have no bad breath - floss / rinse / mints etc...

If you are out for dinner, make sure no debris in your teeth - high risk item: anything that is green and black sesame

Wear a friendly big smile, and make your date feel easy and comfortable. 

2. Dress
In whatever occasion, dress appropriately. Do not over dress nor under dress (this is an art!). Let me quote you an example of not dressing appropriately:

Right just now M and I were having brunch and on the street there was a young girl having extremely short pair of jeans plus a pair of beige laced high heel shoes (not open toe). Bad, especially she does not have a good pair of legs. Sorry to be critical but if one dresses like that, it means you are inviting others to draw attention on you. As simple as that.

No need for a mother to tell you, only show off the parts that you are good at. If you don't know, experiment with your friends before going out.

As for dating, my rule of thumb is simple, dress something appropriate and make you feel comfortable. You won't prefer to have your mind to be distracted by say falling bra strap or falling tube dress, or uncomfortable shoes etc...
Special tips - to go a step further, if you wish, consider HIGH HEELS. It makes women feel sexy, and if needed you can "pretend" you need help on stairs~! It works every time hehe - but please make sure you feel comfortable with the heels first. If not stick with a nice pair of shoes. 

3. Wear a perfume
I love perfume! I cannot live without it. I do think every girl should find her own perfume, fall in love with it and keep using. It represents you, make you feel special, build up your sensuality and impress guys (trust me)


Told you many times, women earn to buy cosmetics, perfumes, and clothing. Sad to say, in this world, first impression counts especially in the world of dating.

Always remember: when you are checking out on people, other people are equally checking out on you at the same time. 

k  xoxo


  1. Very true. Please speak the above to Japanese women.

  2. I am not quite sure about the Japanese women, Koise San... I thought they are always very well groomed in all occasions. I was once snowboarding in Japan, and (young) girls were wearing full make up despite of the goggles / beanies! Go figure.

    Feel free to elaborate on the perspectives from Japanese women, I am curious to know more!

  3. I am sorry for the late reply although I visit your blog often. Um, I think Japanese women wear "too much". Some wear simple, but others wear uncoordinated clothes. Colors. silhouette,everything. Well, you know Japanese look the best wearing kimonos, not western clothes.. because body is quite different.
