Thursday, May 24, 2012

Faint memories of our ex

Dearest ML,

We are have faint memories on our ex, regardless how much we would like to forget about him. Here is one, related to B when I received the email from Jo on tips to prepare for dragon boating:

Seagods, a few tips for the next 24 hours until Stanley warm up races:
  • make sure you are fully hydrated - keep a bottle of water with you and sip throughout the day on Friday.  A number of people have mentioned that they were thirsty at Deep Water Bay and next day (and they didn't think it was just a hangover!)  A 1% drop in hydration can impact performance by up to 10% so we need to make sure we are fully hydrated as we go into race day and throughout the day.  Bring plenty of water and (as they say in the army) you should be weeing "clear and often"
  • rest and have an early night on Friday.  Minimise alcohol in order to avoid dehydration (there will be plenty of beers on Saturday night!)
  • eat balanced meals on Friday with carbohydrate and protein (lean white meat is best as red meat is hard to digest)
  • get a good night's sleep on Friday
  • eat a good breakfast ideally with carbohydrate and protein eg egg on toast, porridge and banana, beans on toast, fruit and yoghurt
  • bring sports drinks, gels, bars, bananas to eat between races
  • caffeine can also be useful between races (and in the afternoon) to give an extra kick
  • caffeinated sports gels can be taken approx 15 mins before the race
Every little helps in races that are won and lost in sceonds.
See you bright and early on Saturday for another great day of racing!
See the point "avoid red meat"... it struck the chord when I remember we had a big meal of red meat (premium beef to be exact) before the Around the Hong Kong Island Race, THE outrigging race of the year as we thought this may give us a bit more strength. I personally felt horrible on the next day... 
Honestly I do not want to think about this (or anything related to B) but it just came out of nowhere. If I feel sad or angry at myself for still thinking about this (or anything related to him), maybe it is a good time to turn around and see the whole incident as a joke, something we did go through together and nothing will change this fact. 
Having said that it leads to the next point: embrace the faint memories we still have with our ex for this is what makes us who we are now. Have gratitude for him making who we are now. I may have too many yoga lessons these days but there is one thing called Karma. When we can accept our past without any hard feeling then we can let it go completely and focus on what lies in front of us.
k  xoxo 



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