Thursday, May 24, 2012

Caught in the cycle of poverty

Dearest ML,

If you have the time, take a look on the cover story by LA Times today and then also read the comments

Caught in the cycle of poverty

New to LA for less than 1 year, it is still hard to imagine people in the States can live like this. I think there are a few issues here:

1. Cole always mentioned about kids but I have no idea why she may consider having the 5th one given her conditions. Where is the birth control? She does not know about condom / contraceptives? As some readers may have pointed out, maybe this is her plan to gain more welfare or food stamps by having more kids. Who knows but this is alarming - it is a false alarm this time but who knows if it will be a real baby on board some time soon?

2. I am always interested in the topic of "ending poverty" (and subsequently microfinance) but in this story I think Cole has her own responsibility to bear. She missed a few times of working hard to get a job. It is a pattern.

3. Some readers suggested the role of mentor and I do think this may help provided the person is open to "constructive criticism" (believe me, not everyone is) and provided there is strong-minded person to help the impoverished like this in terms of attention, dedication and time (something more valuable than donating money)

4. All in all, the whole story keeps reminding me one thing: the person who can help yourself is yourself. For Cole, IF you are really doing the best for your children, stop having more babies, take care of your health, and settle down to get one / multiple jobs. No rocket science here. Life is not fair and sometimes someone's path is doomed to be more difficult than the others.

The story also reminds me of my dad, how he came from a poor family of 5 boys, uneducated parents who were not home to work and how he worked himself up to social ladder to become a professional and a middle class and now retired with enough money to spare. Coming from a poor family is not an excuse. Not taking care of oneself properly physically and not having a burning desire to make ends meet is.

k  xoxo 

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