Saturday, February 18, 2012


Dearest ML,

I am in a bit of doubt in figuring out "friendship". I am not sure if it is my problem now but I found "friends" are pretty reluctant to meet me up. I am trying not to take it personally but it seems everyone seems so busy, especially in Hong Kong.

And what is worst is even if we agree to meet up (kinda like "oh let's touch base today to see how we feel") and this is the exact reaction that I dislike, as I know we are not going to meet up for sure.

Right now I am still enjoying my very free time before heading back to US to meet M, I can for sure understand why others are so busy (or put it this way why I am so un-busy). So maybe that is why their reaction triggers a lot of "reaction" from me.

Not sure if you have any thoughts on this?

k   xoxo 

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