Friday, February 24, 2012


Dearest ML,

Congrats again on passing and yeah no more exams and study :P

I came across a magazine called Fillens long ago. It is a bi-monthly magazine in Hong Kong that targets at amateur female photographer readership. You were in Hong Kong before you may be aware how big camera is so popular here (something that I cannot see in US, the Americans are more crazy about sports LOL)

I did not read Fillens at that time until today when I came around it in my favorite columnist on newspaper. She wrote about how girls are using photography to express their feelings, as a medium to improve communication with their significant others, and most importantly as a sign of independence.

We are both into photographs (though you are more professional than I am!). Take a look at Fillens when you have time. Fillens is actually a combo of "Fille" (French word of girl) and "lens". Meaningful huh?

They got some really good pics. I glanced through the columnists but they are just so-so. Anyway cannot expect too much, like everything else in life :-) 

k   xoxo

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